Правильный космос в играх
Несмотря на популярность космической темы, сам космос очень часто показывают нам абсолютно неправдоподобно. Но знаете, что удивительно? В играх его показывают реалистично намного чаще, чем, например, в кино. Разумеется, в нашей любимой серии в том числе.
Вот вам 5 примеров правильной реализации космоса в играх:
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4 148 оценок
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3 238 оценок
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You remember your college physics correctly. Space is a vacuum, and heat can only be exchanged through radiation. However, that is a quite powerful means of exchanging heat. Have you ever stood in front of a campfire on a very cold winter night? While facing the fire you may feel roasted in your face, while your back feels frigid. The fire radiates heat at you, and your back radiates heat into the cold night. Of course, the cold air around you plays a role, but if there is no wind, the major heat exchange is radiation.
In space this is turned to the extreme. Without any star or planet nearby the temperature of space (as defined by radiation) is 3 K (-270 centigrade), the temperature of the ubiquitous background radiation from the Big Bang, i.e. extremely cold indeed. A spacecraft is roasted on the side that faces the sun and very effectively cooled on the opposite side.
The amount of heat that a spacecraft radiates into space and receives from the Sun can be controlled by the makeup of its surface. And this is the second secret of the vacuum bottle (or thermos): while the vacuum suppresses heat exchanges by conduction and air convection, exchange by radiation is suppressed by the shiny metallic coating of the bottle. This shiny coating reflects the heat radiation like a mirror and keeps it either inside the bottle (if the content is hot) or outside (if the content is cold).
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