21 мая 2023 21.05.23 0 1183

Age of Wonders 4: +26 трейнер

+26 трейнер (для версии v1.002.003.78130).
Распакуй все файлы из архива.
Запусти трейнер.
Запусти игру, не закрывая трейнер.
Во время игры нажимай на клавиши, указанные в трейнере.


F4+Q - Turn on pantheon modification
F4+W - Pantheon points set to 0
F4+E - Pantheon Points +1
F4+R - Max Pantheon Points
F4+T - Pantheon level set to 30
F4+Y - Enable Skill Point Modification
F4+U - Skill Points +10
F4+I - Max Skill Points
F4+O - The amount of speed dial/building is not reduced
F4+P - Enable resource modification [see resource information above]
F5+Q - Resources +5000
F5+W - Maximum Resource
F5+E - Enable unit modification
F5+R - Unit movement points restored
F5+T - Units Minimum Health
F5+Y: Restore unit health
F5+U - Max Unit Experience
F5+I - Enable Empire Development Mod
F5+O - The shadow concept has reached maximum progress
F5+P - Max total progress
F6+Q - The concept of nature has reached its maximum progress.
F6+W - The star concept has reached maximum progress
F6+E - Chaos concept reached maximum progress
F6+R - Material concept has reached maximum progress
F6+T - The concept of order has reached maximum progress
F6+Y - Super Speed
F6+U - Slow Down
F6+I - Enable resource modification [Choose city]
F6+O - Imperial Power +1000
F6+P - Imperial Power Max
F7+Q - Mana+1000
F7+W - Max Mana
F7+E - Gold +5000
F7+R - Gold Max

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Age of Wonders 4

Дата выхода
2 мая 2023
212 оценок
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