7 февраля 2023 7.02.23 0 8303

Dying Light 2: Stay Human: +42 трейнер

+42 трейнер (для версии v1.10.3 / Update: 8).
Распакуй все файлы из архива.
Запусти трейнер.
Запусти игру, не закрывая трейнер.
Во время игры нажимай на клавиши, указанные в трейнере.


F1 + 1 - Activate money modification
F1 + 2 - Money + 5000
F1 + 3 - Max Money
F1 + 4 - Infinite Stamina
F1 + 5 - Infinite Oxygen
F1 + 6 - Activate Health mod
F1 + 7 - Restore Health
F1 + 8 - Infinite Health / No Fall Damage
F1 + 9 - Infinite Weapon Durability
F1 + 0 - Infinite Immunity
F2 + 1 - Wake up bar does not increase
F2 + 2 - Activate Chase Mod
F2 + 3 - Current chase level is minimum
F2 + 4 - Current chase level is the highest
F2 + 5 - Activate hack tool modification
F2 + 6 - Hack Tool+10
F2 + 7 - Maximum Hacking Tools
F2 + 8 - The energy of the ultraviolet flashlight does not decrease
F2 + 9 - Activate time modification
F2 + 0 - Time of day is set to morning
F3 + 1 - Time of day set to noon
F3 + 2 - Time of day set to evening
F3 + 3 - Activate experience / inhibitor modification
F3 + 4 - Parkour experience + 5000
F3 + 5 - Ultimate Parkour Experience
F3 + 6 - Combat experience + 5000
F3 + 7 - Max Combat Experience
F3 + 8 - Inhibitor+1
F3 + 9 - Maximum Inhibitor
F3 + 0 - Super Speed
F4 + 1 - : Slow down
F4 + 2 - No requirements for materials for production
F4 + 3 - Craft Upgrades with No Material Requirement
F4 + 4 - Infinite Crafting Parts / Materials
F4 + 5 - Quick Kill
F4 + 6 - Survivor Perception Saved
F4 + 7 - Survivor Perception No Cooldown
F4 + 8 - Infinite Call Time
F4 + 9 - Infinite Ammo / Crossbows No Reload
F4 + 0 - Hacking tools are durable
F5 + 1 - Easy Hack
F5 + 2 - Strengthen Bow Draw / Maximum Bow Draw Effect
F5 + 3 - Enable Jump Mod
F5 + 4 - Increase jump height
F5 + 5 - Max Jump Height
F5 + 6 - Enable location change
F5 + 7 - Teleport to custom marker
F5 + 8 - Cancel teleport to custom marker
F5 + 9 - Current location height + 100
F5 + 0 - Invisible to zombies/enemies

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+42 трейнер (для версии v1.9.0).
Распакуй все файлы из архива.
Запусти трейнер.
Запусти игру, не закрывая трейнер.
Во время игры нажимай на клавиши, указанные в трейнере.


F1 + 1 - Activate money modification
F1 + 2 - Money + 5000
F1 + 3 - Max Money
F1 + 4 - Infinite Stamina
F1 + 5 - Infinite Oxygen
F1 + 6 - Activate Health mod
F1 + 7 - Restore Health
F1 + 8 - Infinite Health/No Fall Damage
F1 + 9 - Infinite Weapon Durability
F1 + 0 - Infinite Immunity
F2 + 1 - Wake up bar does not increase
F2 + 2 - Activate Chase Mod
F2 + 3 - Current chase level is minimum
F2 + 4 - Current chase level is the highest
F2 + 5 - Activate hack tool modification
F2 + 6 - Hack Tool+10
F2 + 7 - Maximum Hacking Tools
F2 + 8 - The energy of the ultraviolet flashlight does not decrease
F2 + 9 - Activate time modification
F2 + 0 - Time of day is set to morning
F3 + 1 - Time of day set to noon
F3 + 2 - Time of day set to evening
F3 + 3 - Activate experience/inhibitor modification
F3 + 4 - Parkour experience + 5000
F3 + 5 - Ultimate Parkour Experience
F3 + 6 - Combat experience + 5000
F3 + 7 - Max Combat Experience
F3 + 8 - Inhibitor+1
F3 + 9 - Maximum Inhibitor
F3 + 0 - Super Speed
F4 + 1 - : Slow down
F4 + 2 - No requirements for materials for production
F4 + 3 - Craft Upgrades with No Material Requirement
F4 + 4 - Infinite Crafting Parts/Materials
F4 + 5 - Quick Kill
F4 + 6 - Survivor Perception Saved
F4 + 7 - Survivor Perception No Cooldown
F4 + 8 - Infinite Call Time
F4 + 9 - Infinite Ammo / Crossbows No Reload
F4 + 0 - Hacking tools are durable
F5 + 1 - Easy Hack
F5 + 2 - Strengthen Bow Draw /Maximum Bow Draw Effect
F5 + 3 - Enable Jump Mod
F5 + 4 - Increase jump height
F5 + 5 - Max Jump Height
F5 + 6 - Enable location change
F5 + 7 - Teleport to custom marker
F5 + 8 - Cancel teleport to custom marker
F5 + 9 - Current location height + 100
F5 + 0 - Invisible to zombies/enemies

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Dying Light 2: Stay Human

Дата выхода
4 февраля 2022
1 066 оценок
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