DOOM 3: Модификации и дополнения
Этот мод позволяет "приклеить" источник освещения к автомату и помповому ружью.
Установка: распакуйте файл pak005.pk4 в папку base в каталоге с игрой.

Мод предложит обзавестись световыми шашками.
Установка: распакуйте все содержимое архива в каталог с игрой.

Doom 3 Minimizer v1.1.
Распакуйте файлы в каталог с игрой.
Запустите патч.
Мод, позволяющий менять цвет пистолета.
Установка: распакуйте файл pistol_skin.pk4 в папку base в каталоге с игрой.

Мод, позволяющий менять область обзоря "а ля" Mortal Kombat.
Установка: распакуйте файл pak133.pk4 в папку base в каталоге с игрой.

Мод, позволяющий стрелять содой.
Установка: распакуйте файл can_shooter.pk4 в папку base в каталоге с игрой.

Мод, расширяющий оружие огнемет.
Установка: распакуйте файл flamethrower.pk4 в папку base в каталоге с игрой.

Мод: Pistol Burst Shot.
Позволяет делать выстрелы сильнее из пистолета.
Установка: распакуйте файл Pistol_Burst.pk4 в папку base в каталоге с игрой.
Мод: [H]ardDOOM3 0.2a
Установка: распакуйте все файлы в каталог doom3/base/Hardmod.
- Lights on bullet weapons; pistol, shotgun, machinegun, chaingun
- Bullet weapons shoot tracers
- Bullet weapons can't gib
- All weapons have interruptable loads, for quick switching if ambushed
- Small light where its pointing
- Semi-auto fire rate: Hold down button, shoots once, click as fast as you can, fires that fast
- Swap between current weapon, to pistol, and back: hit pistol to pull out, hit again to go back
- Slight spread added
- Clip size now 16
- Bullets now visible; very fast obviously
- Slightly increased damage
- Slightly knocks enemies back
- Medium-sized light at pointing
- Tighter shot spread, went from 22 degrees to 6 degrees
- Forced 1 shotshell reload per reload animation (default is 2)
- Increased number of shot per shotshell from 13 to 16
- Decreased damage per shot (each hit)
- Throws enemies back, when dead they fly pretty far :)
- Medium flashlight
- Increased rate of fire from 10hz to 16hz
- Bullets now visible; very fast obviously
- Pelts enemies backwards
- Slightly larger than medium flashlight
- Increased rate of fire from 7hz to 14hz(why was the chaingun so damn slow)
- Increased magazine capacity from 60 to 120. +100%
- Decreased the damage per bullet
Plasmagun (no flashlight)
- Doubled projectile velocity
- Increased magazine capacity from 50 to 60. +20%
- Turned on lighting effects (on hit)
Hand Grenades
- Harder throw
- Less bouncy
- Alternative fire modes
- Better sounds?
- Suggestions welcome!
- Tsumari: ( Reload interruptions, pistol swapping
- Kronchev ( Tracers, pistol work, light adjustments, "realism", readme file, consolidating all work, tracer bullets
- shaocaholica: Initial lighting, plasmagun mods, increased capacity, decreased damage on Chaingun, increased fire rates on Machinegun + Chaingun
Мод предотвращает исчезновение трупов. Теперь вы можете спокойно поиздеваться над мёртвыми врагами.
Мод: "Weapon Realism".
"I made this just to make myself happy with the guns and the magical double shell reloading with the shotgun!?! I got that fix from the shotgun mod but modified it to make it seem a little more like a gun with an actual barrel and I made the guns a little better to use in a firefight. I changed the speed on the rotation of the chaingun and updated the clip size to 80 for a bit more realism. I also changed some other misc. stuff that needed changing... ".
Скопируйте файл *.pk4 в паку doom3/base.
Мод: "KMG-Doom3-v1.0".
Включает 4 мода:
1. Beefy Sounds Mod v1.07 by AJ
2. Nitro Gore Patch v1.0 by The Nitro Clan
3. Duct Tape v0004 by Glen Murphy
4. UAC Sentry Mod by RekTek
Мод: "Nex_Doom".
1. Changed Flashlight damage from 40 to 20.
2. Changed Fist Damage from 20 to 40. Now you have a reason to punch em down!
This change seemed only natural as the flash light doesn't even leave a bodymark anyway.
3. All weapon do not gib.
4. The only things I modified shotgun wise
were small and large shotgun ammo packs. I will balance this further but any
person's opions would be nice. Check out the Classic Shotgun mod readme for all I included from it.
5. Rocket Launcher "bounce" set to "1". This means the rocket launcher will now bounce off of anything but monsters.
Think of the Ripper for Unreal Tournament 1. Like that but with a rocket! Also, I have a 1.8 second fuse
on it, so it doesn't last forever. It's great when your dead sure there's a enemy around the corner, and
you can blast enemies into the air sky hight by bouncing a rockey off the floor and having it hit them
directly from beneth!
6.Rocket Laucher now effected by gravity at a rate of "100". That's about 9.5% as much as the grenades are effected
by gravity. I got this idea from the "stake gun" in "Painkiller"(A game, not a mod), and makes the weapon
require a bit more
skill. On the other hand, it still bouces, and it makes the RL great because you can now "hug" the floor
and fire a rocket and let it "skip" (like stones over water) on the ground until it hit's it's target.
7.Plasma gun "bounce" set to "1". This means the plasma blast will bounce off of anything but monsters, like
the rocket launcher. They last 1.8 seconds before exploding if they don't hit a target.
10. Changed "Shotgun Ammo Small" from "8" to "10".
11. Changed "Shotgun Ammo Big" from "16" to "20".
12. Chaingun Clip now 600(all). I did this because I don't understand how a "chain" gun only holds 60 rounds. This
also evens out in MP, because it's actually easier to kill someone with the machine gun than the chain
gun. Giving a gun a spin up and spin down time warrents to me a larger clip.
13. Incoperated the Nitro Gore mod into my game, however I've decided NOT to keep demons. They still disappear.
This is because they hurt people's frame rate. However, if you are interested on forceing them to stay,
I have a sub folder in this mod labeled "AAA-Gore". Simply take whatever is in that folder and replace
the stuff in the current def and script folders. If you don't know how to do that, read the bottom part
"the email" and don't skip stuff you GOOSE!
Скопируйте папку их архива в папку с игрой, например, так: "C:Program FilesDoom 3NexDoomNexdoom.pk4".
Мод: "Realism Mod".
Ungibbable - Bodies of zombies will stay permanently, any other type of
monster will not "burn" away for it seems around 2-3 minutes (great mod)
Shotgun Damage - Damage of the shotgun was taken from 14 to 21. Making a
much better weapon out of it.
Shotgun Blowback - This is a cool mod. If you remember in the original
doom you could blow a minion back a few feet with your shotgun giving a
very satisfying feeling. This mod brings that back to doom3.
Duct Tape - This mod acts as if you were to duct tape a flashlight to your
shotgun. The area of light is not quite as large as the normal flashlight
but it is a bit brighter.
Increased Health - I bumped the maximum health limit to 125 to act a bit
like "super health". This can only be taken past 100 by health packs.
Brass Stays - All shell ejecting weapons, except the BFG leave their
caseings on the ground permanently. The BFG does not actually throw a
shell to the ground it just appears this way explaining why I was not
able to make it stay.
Smoking Shells - All shells that are ejected, except the BFG have a cool
smoke trail following them now to give it much more realistic feeling.
Shotgun Sound - Personally I thought that the shotgun sounded a bit weak
so I added a different sound to give it a much more powerfull feeling.
Increased Stamina - This guy is a marine so it seemed that he needed a bit
more stamina so its been bumped up quite a bit.
Разархивируйте все файл в кталог с игрой.
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