7 марта 2023 7.03.23 0 5371

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord: +55 трейнер

+55 трейнер (для версии v1.1.4.17949).
Распакуй все файлы из архива.
Запусти трейнер.
Запусти игру, не закрывая трейнер.
Во время игры нажимай на клавиши, указанные в трейнере.


U + 1 - On big map to change
U + 2 - Money + 10000
U + 3 - Max. money
U + 4 - Life Recovery
U + 5 - Influence +100
U + 6 - Max. influence
U + 7 - Highest morale.
U + 8 - Reset morale
U + 9 - Unlimited food
U + 0 - Reset food
I + 1 - On combat modification
I + 2 - Current health set to maximum
I + 3 - Reset health
I + 4 - Player character change public attribute
I + 5 - Fortitude + 10
I + 6 - Tool life max.
I + 7 - Control + 10
I + 8 - Max. control
I + 9 - Stamina + 10
I + 0 - Max. endurance
P + 1 - Cunning +10
P + 2 - Max. cunning
P + 3 - Social + 10
P + 4 - Social max.
P + 5 - Intelligence +10
P + 6 - Max. intelligence
P + 7 - All attributes set to 10
P + 8 - Blacksmith shop has unlimited materials
P + 9 - Free shopping
P + 0 - On troop experience modification
T + 1 - Second Row Squad Experience +500
T + 2 - Second row troops have the most experience
T + 3 - On city castle modification
T + 4 - Prosperity +1000
T + 5 - Minimum Prosperity
T + 6 - Max. loyalty
T + 7 - Replenish food
T + 8 - Max Security
T + 9 - Physical Strength Formation
T + 0 - Troops move faster
Y + 1 - Unlimited attribute points
Y + 2 - Unlimited Specialization Points
Y + 3 - Unlimited family reputation
Y + 4 - Fully unlocked forged parts
Y + 5 - Bow and arrows do not decrease
Y + 6 - Disable "do not drop" bow and arrow
Y + 7 - Plan completed in one day
Y + 8 - Ultimate experience with full roles
Y + 9 - Convince of great success
Y + 0 - Sit down and command the invincible
H + 1 - Enable location change
H + 2 - Teleport to location
H + 4 - Enable Family Influence Modification
H + 5 - Family Influence +500
H + 6 - Family influence max

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+55 трейнер (для версии v1.1.0.12734).
Распакуй все файлы из архива.
Запусти трейнер.
Запусти игру, не закрывая трейнер.
Во время игры нажимай на клавиши, указанные в трейнере.


U + 1 - On big map to change
U + 2 - Money + 10000
U + 3 - Max. money
U + 4 - Life Recovery
U + 5 - Influence +100
U + 6 - Max. influence
U + 7 - Highest morale.
U + 8 - Reset morale
U + 9 - Unlimited food
U + 0 - Reset food
I + 1 - On combat modification
I + 2 - Current health set to maximum
I + 3 - Reset health
I + 4 - Player character change public attribute
I + 5 - Fortitude + 10
I + 6 - Tool life max.
I + 7 - Control + 10
I + 8 - Max. control
I + 9 - Stamina + 10
I + 0 - Max. endurance
P + 1 - Cunning +10
P + 2 - Max. cunning
P + 3 - Social + 10
P + 4 - Social max.
P + 5 - Intelligence +10
P + 6 - Max. intelligence
P + 7 - All attributes set to 10
P + 8 - Blacksmith shop has unlimited materials
P + 9 - Free shopping
P + 0 - On troop experience modification
T + 1 - Second Row Squad Experience +500
T + 2 - Second row troops have the most experience
T + 3 - On city castle modification
T + 4 - Prosperity +1000
T + 5 - Minimum Prosperity
T + 6 - Max. loyalty
T + 7 - Replenish food
T + 8 - Max Security
T + 9 - Physical Strength Formation
T + 0 - Troops move faster
Y + 1 - Unlimited attribute points
Y + 2 - Unlimited Specialization Points
Y + 3 - Unlimited family reputation
Y + 4 - Fully unlocked forged parts
Y + 5 - Bow and arrows do not decrease
Y + 6 - Disable "do not drop" bow and arrow
Y + 7 - Plan completed in one day
Y + 8 - Ultimate experience with full roles
Y + 9 - Convince of great success
Y + 0 - Sit down and command the invincible
H + 1 - Enable location change
H + 2 - Teleport to location
H + 4 - Enable Family Influence Modification
H + 5 - Family Influence +500
H + 6 - Family influence max

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Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Дата выхода
25 октября 2022
714 оценок
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