11 июля 2019 11.07.19 0 3266

Total War: Three Kingdoms: +31 трейнер

+31 трейнер (для версии 1.1).
Распакуйте все файлы из архива.
Запустите трейнер.
Запустите игру, не закрывая трейнер.
Во время игры нажимайте на клавиши, указанные в трейнере.


U+F1 initializes
F+F1 font height (value can be manually debugged)
U+F3 maximum money
U+F5 current character skill point +1
U+F10 time is set to night
U+F11 time is set to daytime
J+F1 current season changed to spring
J+F2 current season changed to summer
J+F3 current season changed to autumn harvest
J+F4 current season changed to autumn
J+F5 current season changed to winter
J+F6 town announcement order maximum
J+F9 Characters get regular experience J+F10 five times experience
J+F11 ten times experience
J+F12 unlimited experience
B+F1 year/person age lock
B+F2 year/person age+5
B+F3 year/person age-5
M+F1 can be reformed in the next round (open diplomatic interface)
M+F5 selected town reserve maximum
M+F6 selected town reserve minimum
M+F9 normal city population
M+F10 urban population unlimited
M+F11 urban population Empty
O+F1 selected army supply maximum O+F2 unlimited movement
O+F5 grain distribution unlimited
O+F6 farming sequence unlimited

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Total War: Three Kingdoms

PC | Mac
Дата выхода
23 мая 2019
111 оценок
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