Все игрыToodee and TopdeeОтзывы
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Toodee and Topdee

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4.1 4
Toodee and Topdee



I've just finished this wonderful game and I strongly recommend you to try it! Because there are not so much so brave experimental projects that was done with such a high quality!It's a really great puzzle game, if you like that genre, you shouldn't miss it! The authors suggest us a fresh ideas in gameplay, I haven't played such puzzles earlier, it's so cool!! I love the fact that the authors was be able to find such an amazing gameplay idea, it's really something new! And don't think it's simple... Sometimes it suggest real challenges (but you can simplify it with the difficulty settings if you want).But not only gameplay is great here, all aspects of the game is on the highest level! Sound design is niiice, the art style is so cute!! And the story... So many funny jokes and references to the development process(whole game about that), my heart is your!!Please support such a a great project!! Because if we will support such a projects we will get more of them and isn't it wonderful, this game needs your attention to show how great it is!

7 декабря 2024

Умный и ещё умнее

Оч крутая головоломка с постоянно меняющимися условиями. Даже боссы есть, что для полноценных головоломок вообще в диковинку.

Крутые идеи со сменой перспективы Не шибко сложные но и не шибко легкие головоломкиБоссыТолько если вы пикселе хейтер