2D битемапы
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B. Rap Boys
Bebe's Kids
Cosmo Police Galivan II: Arrow of Justice
D.D. Crew
Dragon Bowl
Edward Randy: The Cliffhanger
Gang Wars
Generals of the Yang Family: Clan of Heroes
Growl | Runark
Jackie Chan Adventures: Legend of the Dark Hand
Karate Blazers | Toushin Blazers
Kaze Kiri: Ninja Action
Knuckle Joe
Kozure Ookami
Last Battle | Hokuto no Ken: Shin Seikimatsu Kyuuseishu Densetsu
Legend of Success Joe
Light Bringer | Dungeon Magic
Nekketsu Oyako
Riding Fight
Riot City
The Shadow (1994)
Skull & Crossbones
The Tick
Tough Turf
Ultra Toukon Densetsu
<a href="https://stopgame.ru/games/compilation/10025">3D битемапы</a>