You have been invited to participate in the Section 8®: Prejudice Beta! In order to accept the invitation, you need to complete the following steps within two weeks of this invitation going out. Otherwise, your invitation will expire and your access code will be made available to another tester.
Please note that as one of the first exclusive testers invited to the beta you will encounter a few known issues with the game that we are working hard to iron out. Your contributions during this early part of the beta will be crucial in shaping the final product, and we appreciate your time commitment and feedback during this process.
---БЛА, БЛА, БЛА...---
Короче поздравьте меня и ждите «моих впечатлений», если таки удастся поиграть, ибо комп еще из ремонта не вышел.
Если не буду успевать- отдам кому-нибудь акк Games for Windows LIVE. Все равно ничего там не покупал.
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