13 мая 2012 13.05.12 31 3489

StarCraft 2 патч 1.5 бета хотса плавно начинается (ахтунг! много английского!)


Patch 1.5 – The StarCraft II Arcade Arrives

Major changes are coming to StarCraft II with patch 1.5.0. The menu screen will be split into two distinct areas, and each will be focused on a distinct experience. The StarCraft II section will be where players go for head to head ladder competition, as well as custom games focused on traditional StarCraft II gameplay, such as melee maps and micro trainers. Meanwhile, the new Arcade section will the place where the community can find and play the vast array of custom games that explore the many possibilities of the StarCraft II editor. From tower defense to RPGs and beyond, the Arcade will bring your creations to players around the world. We want the Arcade to offer the best experience possible, so we’re making changes to improve everything from the interface to the editor itself. Your input can help us refine it even further. Here are some of the improvements we already have planned: Global Changes

· Added StarCraft II & Arcade as game Types

o Creators define which basic type best fits the game that they have created. Each game will only appear in either StarCraft II or the Arcade.

· Game Genres

o We’ve used community feedback and the existing game list to create a comprehensive menu of genres for creators to choose from. Now players will have tools to more easily find the games they are looking for, which in turn gives creators an easy way to find their audience.


· Game Presentation

o Browsing § Browsing for games is a totally new experience. Players can search for games based on genre, over all popularity, star rating, newness, and recent spikes in popularity.

o Game Icons § The game icon contains a large game image (provided by the creator), the game’s name, and star rating. Hovering over the icon displays the game description.

o Game Info page

§ Clicking on a game icon brings players into the Game Info page, a section devoted entirely to showing off what a game is all about, providing play instructions, and revealing other important information about the game.

§ All the content in Game Info is under control of the game creator, except for reviews.

§ Joining public matches and creating private games is done from the Game Info page. This will be the portal players return to again and again to play the game.

§ Game Info contains these sections:

· Overview: This will contain the game description, as well as screenshots that show off the action.

· How to Play: This is where players will find the Basic Instructions, How to Win, and Advanced Instructions sections. This is also useful space for additional images to help players understand how to enjoy your creation.

· Patch Notes: You’re able to update patch notes as often as you like, so players can see how the game is growing and improving.

· Reviews: After playing, players can give your game a star rating and enter a text review. Once enough ratings are provided, your game gets an Average Star Rating. Players can also mark each other’s reviews as “Helpful” which will ensure that the best reviews rise to the top.

· Tutorial support

o Creators can now publish tutorials. This is a powerful way to introduce new players and give them a place to learn the ropes before they dive in.

o A “Play Tutorial” button appears on the Game Info page if a tutorial exists. Clicking the Play Tutorial button launches players directly into the tutorial game.

· Game exclusive chat channels

o There is now a “Join Chat” button on the Game Info page that allows players to join a channel named after your game, which makes connecting with other players and creating a community around your game easier than ever before.

StarCraft II Platform

· StarCraft II is now a streaming game.

o It will only be necessary to download a fraction of game data to get into the action. We expect to bring even more players into StarCraft II worldwide by making access to the game both easy and fast.

· Editor

o Added UI XML Editor for adding and modifying SC2Layout files

o Editor updated to use Visual Styles in Editor

o Added high resolution minimap support

o Font Style editing added to Text Editor

o Added Data Editor horizontal auto-layout to better utilize available screen space

o User-defined data system, accessed through the new User type in the Data module as well as the corresponding functions in the trigger library.

· Cinematic Editor o New editor module with powerful tools for creating in-game cinematic sequences.

· AI Editor o New editor module for user friendly management of AI wave timing and composition.

· Galaxy o Trigger Debug Window support for breakpoints, stepping through functions, and variable inspection o Galaxy script code memory limit increased; 4x -10x more memory can be utilized depending on how scripts are being used. o Added support for passing structure, array, and function references as function parameters o Improved Galaxy error message output

· Actor o Camera Actor added for controlling camera through actor events

o Scene Actor added for controlling global actor settings (Halo settings, Power visual hiding)

o Light Actor added for creating lights in the world

o Terrain Actor added for physics impact FX support

o Creep Actor added for higher performance creep effects including creep engulfment

o Ragdoll deaths and support for combat driven physics impulses

o Added support for water ripples and physics collision based water splashes

o Terrain squib support for tileset specific dust or snow clouds FX

o Line and Arc targeting cursor support

o Added ActorInfoDisplay cheat for live actor debugging

· Game Engine

o Max selection size increased from 255 to 500.

o Added trigger event for Behavior apply/remove

o New Stunned flag for Behaviors that allows queuing commands

· Graphics Engine

o Added support to define lighting regions in the game world

o Lighting can now be set per player

o Added unit specific Halo support for pre-targeting

o Anti-aliasing support

· User Interface

o Custom unit status bar support added

o Added new in-game pathing display that shows the path a unit will take on the minimap

o Added self-cast hotkey support

o Added Font Glow support

o Added powerful control over frames, portraits, status bars, text, trigger dialogs and more. Full details, tips, and tutorials are being created to help creators take full advantage of these tools.

· StarTools

o We’re making our internal art tools available to the public.

o StarTools is a set of plugins for Discreet®'s 3ds max®, these tools allow advanced users to create, modify, and quickly preview models and animations, including particle and ribbon effects, that can be used in StarCraft II custom maps.

Updating Your Game for Patch 1.5

All game types

· Set up your Type and Genre

o Games published prior to Patch 1.5 will still be available on the service when the patch goes live. All user created games will default to appearing in Arcade, under the “Other” genre.

o Creators will need to re-save their game in the 1.5.0 client version and select the Type and Genre where they want to their game to appear.

Arcade game types

· Add a Game Icon Image

o The icon image is the first thing players see. It’s a great opportunity to make a first impression on potential players — check out existing app-stores for inspiration.

o Game Icon Images are added through the StarCraft II Editor.

· Add Game Info

o Game Info is where players learn about your game and see what cool experiences it has to offer. At a minimum, you’ll want to provide a complete Description, easy to understand How to Play Instructions, and some screenshots that make your game look awesome.

o Going a step further and creating customized images (e.g. a diagram of game controls, or a simple guide map of the play area) for Game Info will really help you stand out. The old saying about “show not tell” should be your motto here!

o Game Info is added through the StarCraft II Editor

· Set up a default mode

o From the Game Info page, there’s a big “PLAY” button that most players will use to get into your game. This creates or joins a public lobby, of the default mode you define for your game.

o This means you likely want to set the default to what you consider your “core” game experience.

o Alternatively, some games have players set up gameplay parameters after they load into the match. This is fine, but it’s recommended to make the setup process as streamlined and user friendly as possible so new players aren’t scared off right when they start the game.

· Build a Tutorial

o Tutorials are a powerful way to introduce new players.

o Ideally you’ll give players a smooth introduction to game mechanics in a fail-safe environment, teaching them everything they need to have fun before they start playing your main game mode.

o Tutorials can also be built and used as a practice mode for players to experiment in a sandbox type environment.

o To use the Tutorial feature, first publish the tutorial map to Battle.net. Then you can configure your main game to point to the tutorial.



Различие некоторых элементов графики между 1.4.5 и 1.5
старое — i.imgur.com/iTjgM.jpg
новое — i.imgur.com/qbff2.jpg

Демонстрация возможности стрима игры

Виденная нами ранее возможность окрасить ХП-бары у врага в красный в одном из роликов ХотСа

Новый тёмный крип

Новые границы тумана войны

Обсуждение данной беты

Скачка бета-клиента. В данный момент может не работать у кого-то

Лучшие комментарии

Гугл переводчик, даже с моим убогим английским, мне все понятно и без онного
Я слишком ленив сим вечером, дабы тратить мозг на переводы :3
А в чем основной смысл то, как я понял добавили новый режим аркады, подделали графику, в эдитор много че добавили. Это все к лучшему?
А понял, режим аркады это всякие мини игры, которые можно в редакторе создать, да?
Много разного вкусного, стрим сразу из игры, совместный просмотр реплеев, клантеги… изменения оч вкусные, но баланс там еще от беты ВОЛа…
А ну это в основном для матчей всяких, я просто ну так в старкрафт то не играю) Но матчи всякие смотрю)
Понятно, видимо какой то значимый патч. что его так обсуждают, я просто ради интереса и пополнения знания решил спросить)
Стыдно инглиш не знать)
гугл переводчик тебе в помощь, мой юный друг.
и если ты не играешь в ск2, то тебе знать перевод не надо
какие то люди вообще пошли, никто не знает инглиш или может это я отстал, может все учат, японский, китайский, франзуский, испанский =/
Фанат вселенной ск как-никак. Но в ск2 не играю. Денег нету.
Нет просто все стали ленивыми свиньями =) Работящих всё меньше и меньше =)
ФУУУУУ. Как тебе только не стыдно :3
Я понимать. Просто интересно. И разрывает вопрос что за тёмный крип.
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