13 мая 2002 13.05.02 0 8786

The Terminator: SkyNET: Коды

GARBLE: enables cheat mode.
ARNOLD: gives all weapons.
COUNTERS: shows the game counters.
HELLO: gives response.
ICANTSEE: gives sniper sight.
ILLBEBACK: skips to next mission.
JOYCAM: switches to third person perspective (only in multiplayer with
joystick/ pad).
NITROUS: speeds up the game.
SLUGS: gives full ammo
SUPERTRACKER: gives the motion tracker (v1.01 only).
SUPERUZI: gives the super uzi.
SURGERY: full health and ammo.
TARGET: gives a targeting box for enemies.
VERSION: shows version number.
WHOAMI: shows your current name.
WILLNOTSTOP: invunerability

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The Terminator: SkyNET

Дата выхода
ноябрь 1996
12 оценок
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