24 июня 2023 24.06.23 0 647

Planet Zoo: +23 трейнер

+23 трейнер (для версии v1.13.1.89707 / Update: 9).
Распакуй все файлы из архива.
Запусти трейнер.
Запусти игру, не закрывая трейнер.
Во время игры нажимай на клавиши, указанные в трейнере.


-+F3 - Enable savepoint modification
-+F4 - Money+50000
-+F6 - Max Money
-+F7 - Number of places (points) for childcare+100
-+F8 - Maximum number of child care services
-+F10 - Enable visitor modification
-+F11 - Unlimited visitor physical strength
=+F3 - Tourists don't starve
=+F4 - Visitors are not thirsty
=+F6 - Visitors don't need toilets
=+F7 - Unlimited visitor satisfaction
=+F8 - Enable employee changes
=+F10 - Unlimited employee happiness
=+F11 - Unlimited staff physical strength
[+F3 - Unlimited employee level
[+F4 - Enable animal habitat modification
[+F6 - Reset animal age
[+F7 - Maximum allowable age of the animal
[+F8 - Full replenishment of animal nutrition [equivalent to eating all previously eaten food]
[+F10 - Animal water content is fully replenished [drinking water equivalent once]
[+F11 - Food quality was optimal
]+F3 - Cleanest water last time
]+F4 - The best condition of the water treatment system
]+F6 - Better condition of power facilities
]+F7 - Research completed quickly
]+F8 - Infinite Fence Durability

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Planet Zoo

Дата выхода
5 ноября 2019
39 оценок
Моя оценка
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