1 мая 2023 1.05.23 0 247

The Immortal Mayor: +20 трейнер

+20 трейнер (для версии v0.9.14 / Update: 12).
Распакуй все файлы из архива.
Запусти трейнер.
Запусти игру, не закрывая трейнер.
Во время игры нажимай на клавиши, указанные в трейнере.


F1+1 - Infinity number of card draws
F1+2 - Infinity use of cards
F1+3 - Infinity spiritual stone
F1+4 - Upgrade Spiritual Stone
F1+5 - Infinity theocracy
F1+6 - Infinity believers
F1+7 - Super Speed
F1+8 - Rapid research in science and technology
F1+9 - Max card limit
F1+0 - Largest selection of card plays
F2+1 - Slow down
F2+2 - Demand for Theocratic Incense is growing rapidly
F2+3 - Turn on the change in the number of points on theft
F2+4 - Number of points on theft + 500
F2+5 - Max. number of points on the corner
F2+6 - Infinity ornaments
F2+7 - Enable change selection
F2+8 - Full restoration of the state of the selected character
F2+9 - Restore the durability of the selected equipment of the character
F2+0 - Scientific and technological research has no divine limits
F3+2 - Enable Firm Changes
F3+3 - Unlimited Trading Stock (Actual Consumption)
F3+4 - The number of tourist goods is not limited

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The Immortal Mayor

Дата выхода
15 июля 2023
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