23 марта 2023 23.03.23 0 1586

WWE 2K23: +24 трейнер

+24 трейнер (для версии v1.02 / Update 1).
Распакуй все файлы из архива.
Запусти трейнер.
Запусти игру, не закрывая трейнер.
Во время игры нажимай на клавиши, указанные в трейнере.


F1+1 - Enable Budget / Subscriber Modification (MyGM)
F1+2 - Budget set at one million
F1+3 - Budget+50000
F1+4 - Budget maximum
F1+5 - One million subscribers
F1+6 - Subscribers + 100,000
F1+7 - Followers Max
F1+8 - Enable Player Modification[MyGM]
F1+9 - Most Popular
F1+0 - max stamina
F2+1 - Super Speed
F2+2 - Slow down
F2+3 - Turn on game speed modification
F2+4 - Default game speed
F2+5 - Slow down the game
F2+6 - Speed Up Game
F2+7 - Enable game modification
F2+8 - Infinite Health
F2+9 - All parts of the person's body are no longer injured
F2+0 - FINISHER gets the most defense [attacks environment]
F3+1 - SPECIAL access to more resources [offensive burst]
F3+2 - All body parts repaired
F3+3 - The enemy received increased head damage.
F3+4 - Opponent takes maximum physical damage
F3+5 - Opponent's hands are the most damaged
F3+6 - Opponent's legs are the most damaged
F3+7 - All parts of the body are the most damaged.
F3+8 - Available attribute points do not decrease (MyRISE)

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