
Sitting another night in this game and receiving signals from space, I suddenly heard someone start picking passwords from the closed front door. You know what I felt then? I've been really into horror games since I was about 12 and have played a lot of them. All this AAA stuff like Outlast, Amnesia or new-fangled horrors like Don't scream, Fnaf, etc. doesn't scare me for a long time. All these are clichés and use the same methods of scaring the player, just under a different cover. But Voices Of The Void is a phenomenon. This is what a modern game industry should be ideally. That's what really captures the meaning of the quote : "nothing more frightening than a closed door". If you want to know what paranoia is, just play it. Yes, there are a lot of things in the game, at first glance out of the very definition of horror - it's cute robocats, green meadows, yes, even the very appearance of aliens (arirals), but who said that it should not be so? It creates an inexpressible contrast, as well as a sense of dissonance in your head. And strangely enough - you start to fear the game even more, because if the game is so bold that it has this, what else is it capable of? Yes it is even written on Unreal Engine, which parodies the source engine in everything. Why? This game is unpredictable. Plus, it's as unscripted as possible. You encountered a certain event in the game, and on the next playthrough it may not be there, or it will be there, but on a different day - when you were not expecting it. What is this? An observatory worker simulator and a horror game at the same time. In this game you will not only have to receive signals from space and process them and send them to your superiors, but also spend game currency to improve your equipment, as well as for important things like food or fuel for your ATV. Yes, there is vehicle in the game and you will have to use it often to get to a satellite towers, which will break down at times. In the game there is a change of day and night , but you will be afraid not only at night, but also in the light of day. You will have to sleep and eat, and at night you will have nightmares. It's strange, but it will help you immerse yourself in this atmosphere. It's the best thing that's come out in a while. I applaud the developers.